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Review of Sorry Baby... I can't love you anymore - A novel by Abhishek Leela Pandey

Smoking, bewildered and abashed Anush, Drinking yet cognizant for his best friend Anush: Rahul, melodramatic Divya and Swindler Minakshi will take you through a great roller coaster ride of love, life and back! Saying it a book will curtail the writer’s creativity. It can be best depicted as portraiture of an art called writing a book.  A good read, and must read for the youth today. As the dynamism of the character Anush who wins over tumult going within him; will inbreathe you to fight and face the oppressive situations in your life. Lucid chum Rahul precepts the paradigm and redefines the limits of best friend! Altruistic Divya teaches one how to love your loved ones! Bewitching Minakshi warns you of the ruses you are unaware of! The author is a new elegant and originative writer; he put the incidents and has yarn such a zealous web of story around all the characters. He also can be framed as poet; as the poems inscribed in the book are multitudinous or rather extraordinarily singular. It’s really a fun to read a total-class-apart poetry.  Summing it as a book which will teach you to assign proper values to the variables of your life to get the best solution possible out of it!
                                                                  -         Omkar V. Vighne


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