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Showing posts from June, 2012

Echoes of the past 6: The interview!!

Wooooo here I am writing again, and it feels sooooooooooo good that I’m writing again!! Campus interviews, this is the stimulant part we all future engineers were dwelling to meet! Because it adds ‘tadka’ to your ‘daal’ called life! My life is alllll about food,eating but money’s also important. So with luck all the way with me…. (No doubt it took a wrong turn in 6 th semester) but still with me!! I am eligible for the campus interviews!!! First company arrived somewhere in the month of November or something…..first aptitude test more kinda of luck test……weather your aptitude is good or worst, weather you solve questions logically or illogically, it doesn’t matter  because you can never predict judging criteria…besides this we all have large group of friends…who know nothing ..But can predict many results at time….Any way...I didn’t clear that apti!!!  Then a large truck named TCS (no offence to those who are placed in TCS!!) came. We had to register online….Sale kya g...